Saturday, April 13, 2013

Formica Counter top Versus Granite Counter top

Can One compare a formica counter top having a granite counter top? Fundamental essentials questions I usually get requested. Well, are you able to compare wood with stone? No you cannot! Same applies to counter tops. A formica counter top consists of chipboard because the core from the counter top and laminated with formica on the top of chipboard. The formica material it self also is available in a roll and may be used to stick over the counter top underneath the wall unit like a back splash. You may also constitute your personal laminated kitchen counter top by cutting a bit of chipboard, ideally 32mm thick, the form you would like after which adhering the formica to the chipboard. Among the best glues to make use of could be either Contact glue or my personal favorite Gemkem. A formica counter top is not as durable like a granite counter top but it's durable. For proper care of your counter top you're going to get allot of mileage from it.

How can you be mindful your countertops?In contrast to granite where one can cut on and put hot containers on, you can't perform the same goes with formica countertops. Although a formica counter top is scratch and warmth resistant it is not scratch and warmth proof. Which means you can't cut on the formica counter top or place a warm pot onto it however, you can drag a pot over the counter without itching it too as place cooler temperature containers and pans onto it without having to burn an opening within the formica. Therefore if you are asking whether a granite counter top is harder than the usual formica counter top you've the way to go but don't forget, granite cost's about 5 occasions a lot more than formica. And that is the cheaper granite I am speaking about. Plus you are able to cut the counter top to size yourself you do not need special machines and templates like you'd need with granite. This will make the formica counter top installation process allot simpler.

Setting up a formica counter top is extremely easy. Very easy that installers sometimes hurry the task making mistakes. Don't get this to mistake. "Measure two times cut once" is the number 1 rule when fitting a counter top, specialy when you are performing intricate dimensions much like your cut-outs for the sink and hob. Remember, it's much simpler to avoid an error rather than fix one...that's if it may be fixed. Formica countertops also aren't waterproof then when you've finished your sink and hob's eliminate seal within the cut-outs with marine silicone. The type you utilize to construct fishtanks with. This can prevent water form drawing in to the chipboard and everyone knows what goes on when water touches chipboard. Let us just say "it's like mixing water with Weatbix".

A formica counter top can also be simpler to deal with and lighter to utilize. Have you ever transported a slab of granite up three plane tickets of stairs you will be aware what I am speaking about.

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